The Woodsman is a 2012 American dramatico-musical, Music by Edward W. Hardy, lyrics by Jennifer Loring, and book by James ortiz. The Woodsman, based on characters and plot aspects of L. Frank Baum’s classic novel, focuses on the story of the Tin Woodman character from the fictional Land of Oz, notably Baum's 1918 book The Tin Woodman of Oz. A lonely woodsman falls for the slave-girl of a powerful witch. Determined to keep them apart, the witch curses The Woodsman's axe. With every swing, he pays with a limb until he's more metal than man. Based on the forgotten writings of L. Frank Baum, The Woodsman gives these darkly beautiful, haunting, and heart-breaking stories new life through spectacular puppetry and song. Ben Bass (Munchkin) Devin Dunne Cannon (Ma) Will Gallacher (Pa/Tinker) Edward W. Hardy (Munchkin/Violinist) Amanda Lederer (The Witch/ Tinker) Aaron McDaniel (Tinker) James Ortiz (Nick Chopper) Eliza Simpson (Nimmie) Meghan St. Thomas (Munchkin) Carol Uraneck (The Witch).

"While the puppetry and the theater wizardry are in full effect throughout the performance, it is Edward W. Hardy who shines brighter than any pair of silver shoes. The composer-violinist manifested a minimalist score all-pervading within the totality of the show; each note adds subtext or tension to every moment" - Edge Media Network
@TheWoodsmanPlay = one of my favorite shows EVER! Get the album!!! - Telly Leung


Welcome to the marvelous land of Oz-- We are in munchkin country, a majestic countryside in the land of the east. It is a rich, beautiful, fertile land, inhabited by warm and friendly people. We live, we toil and are always mindful, fearful of the wicked witch of the east. She is our master, she sees all, she hears all, so we are in silence. No words are spoken. With heavy hearts, we work. A lone violin tells our story.
The Obie award-winning production of THE WOODSMAN focuses on the story of Nick Chopper. Each morning as the sun rises over a cerulean sky in munchkinland, he sets off into the forest to earn his living. He is a sensitive and lonely man. He meets and falls in love with, the slave-girl of the wicked witch of the east. The witch puts a powerful spell on his axe, every time he uses it he pays with a limb. Tinkers replace them with tin ones until he is entirely made of tin. Believing that love can no longer exist without a heart, he leaves her, goes into the forest and rusts in the rain.
Ben Bass (Munchkin)
Devin Dunne Cannon (Ma)
Will Gallacher (Pa/Tinker)
Dr. Edward W. Hardy (Munchkin/Violinist)
Amanda Lederer (The Witch/ Tinker)
Aaron McDaniel (Tinker)
James Ortiz (Nick Chopper)
Eliza Simpson (Nimmee)
Meghan St. Thomas (Munchkin)
Carol Uraneck (The Witch)
Cerulean Sky (Prologue) - Nick Chopper, Nimmee, Ma, Witch, and Company
Whispering Munchkins-Dark Woods - Ma and Company "Nick Chopper" - Instrumental
Nimme and the Wicked Witch of the East - Instrumental
The Kalidah - Instrumental "Nick Chopper & Nimmie Amee" - Instrumental
Finding Love - Instrumental
Forever Yours - Ma and Pa
Tinkers - Tinkers and Company
My Heart Is Gone - Ma
Rusting Tin Man - Nick Chopper, Ma, Pa and Company
Dorothy Arrives - Instrumental
The Woodsman (Original Off-Broadway Solo Recording), an album featuring the music composed and performed by
Dr. Edward W. Hardy, was released digitally on May 29, 2016.
"I composed original music to reflect the period in history and to pay homage to L. Frank Baum's touching story. The exploration of different genres of music (i.e. romantic, classical, modern, and folk) was used to express a purer sense of the emotions and the intentions of Baum's characters. There is a freedom in composing original music in a period piece. This story takes place in the mid-1800's, it is a fantasy that parallels the realities of that time in history. Oz is a dark and mysterious place, where evils abound, and there is an unknown about the future. Oddly, there are many similarities in the world today. - Dr. Edward W. Hardy, Composer

Matters between Hardy v Ortiz et al. are unresolved. BroadwayHD (2016) & BlueBarn Theatre (2019) has not compensated Hardy for use of his musical work.
The Purchase, rental or use of THE WOODSMAN (MUSICAL SCORE) does not constitute a license to use in a public or private performance, screening or presentation. A performance, screening or presentation without a license from Dr. Edward W. Hardy is a violation of United States copyright law and an actionable federal offense.
Unauthorized copying, arranging, recording, internet posting, public performance, or other distribution of THE WOODSMAN (MUSICAL SCORE) is an infringement of copyright. Infringers are liable under the law.
An American Dramatico-Musical
Originally Created by Edward W. Hardy, Jennifer Loring, James Ortiz & Diana Stall
Conceived by Edward W. Hardy & James Ortiz
Originally Produced by Strangemen Theatre Company, Edward W. Hardy, Steven Laing, Jason Ralph,

